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List of Qualifying Cancers

NOTE: The Department of Labor has published EEOICP Final Bulletins to address various EEIOCPA issues. There are also some bulletins that address how SEC claims are processed.

These employees, or their survivors, from any of the above listed facilities, are eligible for benefits if, after beginning covered employment, they contracted one or more of the following specified cancers:

  • Leukemia, if onset of the disease occurred at least two years after first exposure. (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is excluded.)
  • Primary or secondary lung cancer, including sarcoma of the lung (other than in situ lung cancer that is discovered during or after a post-mortem exam).
  • Primary or secondary bone cancer (including the bone form of solitary plasmacytoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia, essential thrombocytosis or essential thrombocythemia primary polycythemia vera [also called polycythemia rubra vera, P. vera, primary polycythemia, proliferative polycythemia, spent-phase polycythemia, or primary erythremia], and chondrosarcoma of the cricoid cartilageof the larynx).
  • Primary or secondary renal cancer
  • The following diseases, provided onset was at least five years after the first exposure:

(i) Multiple myeloma;

(ii) Lymphomas (other than Hodgkin’s disease);

(iii) Primary cancer of the:

(A) thyroid

(B) male or female breast

(C) esophagus

(D) stomach

(E) pharynx (including the soft palate, back of the mouth, base of the tongue, tonsils, and larynx)

(F) small intestine

(G) pancreas

(H) bile ducts

(I) gall bladder

(J) salivary gland

(K) urinary bladder (including ureter and urethra)

(L) brain (malignancies only, not including intracranial endocrine glands and other parts of the

central nervous system)

(M) colon (including rectum)

(N) ovary (including fallopian tubes)

(O) liver (except if cirrhosis or hepatitis B is indicated)

Non Qualifying Cancers

Covered employees that have been faced with other forms of cancer may also qualify for compensation.  Under the program, compensation can be granted if it is determined that the cancer was “at least as likely as not” related to their employment, regardless if they were part of the special group called a “special exposure cohort”.

You may contact Gail Balser, to discuss your specific illness and determine if you or your loved one is a qualified employee under the Act by calling (508) 699-2500 Ext 11.

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