List of Work Sites
List of Work Sites
Below are specific work sites for which DCAS has developed information. The information for the work sites listed below can include: technical documents (site profiles, technical basis documents, technical information bulletins), worker outreach information and final minutes, Special Exposure Cohort information, and public comments.
▪ Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)–New Jersey
▪ Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)–Pennsylvania
▪ Amchitka Island Nuclear Explosion Site
▪ American Chain and Cable Company
▪ Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (formerly listed as ETEC)
▪ Argonne National Laboratory–East
▪ Argonne National Laboratory–West
- Atomic Weapons Employers that Refined Uranium and Thorium
- Atomic Weapons Employers that Worked Uranium and Thorium Metals
▪ Baker-Perkins Co. (Michigan)
▪ Battelle Laboratories – King Avenue
▪ Battelle Laboratories – West Jefferson
▪ Birdsboro Steel & Foundry Company
▪ Blockson Chemical Company (Building 55 and Related Activities)
▪ Brookhaven National Laboratory
▪ BWX Technologies, Inc. (Virginia)