List of Qualifying Cancers
List of Qualifying Cancers for the Special Exposure Cohert (SEC)
In addition to having worked for a specified period of time at one of the SEC work sites, to qualify for compensation, a covered employee in most, but not all cases, must also have at least one of the following types of cancer:
▪ Bone cancer
▪ Renal cancers
▪ Leukemia (other than chronic lymphocytic leukemia) provided the onset of the disease was at least two years after first exposure
▪ Lung cancer (other than in-situ lung cancer that is discovered during or after a post-mortem exam)
▪ The following diseases provided onset was at least five years after first exposure:
- Multiple myeloma
- Lymphomas (other than Hodgkin’s disease)
- Primary cancer of the:
◦ Bile ducts
◦ Brain
◦ Breast (female)
◦ Breast (male)
◦ Colon
◦ Esophagus
◦ Gall bladder
◦ Liver (except if cirrhosis or hepatitis B is indicated)
◦ Ovary
◦ Pancreas
◦ Pharynx
◦ Salivary gland
◦ Small intestine
◦ Stomach
◦ Thyroid
◦ Urinary bladder
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